Politique de confidentialité


VALSTEAM ADCA ENGINEERING S.A. in the exercise of its activity may have the need to collect, archive and treat personal data of individuals which work in companies, organizations and entities, customers and suppliers, with whom Valsteam contacted or may contact in future, such as e-mail addresses or other personal references. 

For this reason and because of the implementation on May 25th of the GDPR, we inform the terms of our Policy of Data Collection and Protection complying with the Regulation UE 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. 

This policy describes how personal data can be collected, handled and archived according to VALSTEAM S.A data protection requisites and to the law, regardless of its form (electronic, paper or other). 

A confidencialidade e a integridade dos seus dados pessoais é uma das nossas principais preocupações. 

This policy applies to: 

  • Head-office 
  • All employees
  • All outsourced suppliers and other persons or organizations acting on our behalf

That policy assures that VALSTEAM S.A. 

  • Complies the legislation related with the personal data protection, mainly the EU Regulation of 27/04
  • Protects the rights of employees, customers and other partners 
  • Is transparent regarding the manner it treats personal data 
  • Protects itself from the risk of personal data breaches

Responsible for the treatment: 


Zona Industrial da Guia, Lote 14, Brejo 

3105-467 Guia Pombal Telf: 236959060 

email: rgpd@valsteam.com 

Which data and information may we collect from individuals and how do we attain them: 

  1. Through the commercial relation associated to our and your activity, while Valsteam’ s customer or supplier, we can receive personal data (name, position, degree or other) by e-mail or other source; 
  2. Through our website –www.valsteam.com-, as a visitor and potentially interested in our products, newsletters, trainings or other company activities. 

Visitor: doesn’t need to supply any personal information to visit our website; 

While accessing the website, the information is collected by cookies, but the user isn’t specifically identified and, if exceptionally he is, that information is immediately made anonymous. Yet, the following information can be collected: 

  • IP address 
  • Geographical location 
  • Information about the device used for the access to our website, mainly browser and its version, operating system, screen resolution, language, HTTP headers and agent’s version 
  • Search engine used to locate and access our website 
  • Date and activity period on the website, as well as visited and clicked web pages and contents. 

How do we use that personal data collected when you visit www.valsteam.com. :

  • Communication of your personal data is optional and voluntary and it may include, name, e-mail address and confidential password that will be later validated. However, without the mandatory fields we won’t be able to provide you the requested service(s) and identify you correctly. Without the remaining data, those marked as non-mandatory, we can provide the requested service(s). 
  • In this space you may have to “ACCEPT” to continue your registration. Then you will have access to this communication. 
  • Your registration is then forwarded to a responsible with restricted access, in order to assure confidentiality and integrity of your personal data, one of our concerns. The recipients or recipient’s categories of your data are solely our company departments, depending on the widget used. 

The principles applied to protection in collection and treatment of general data, are: 

  • Lawfulness, loyalty and transparency: it’s necessary to identify the legal ground of each data treatment and previously inform the subjects about the purposes and procedures using clear and simple language, obtaining their consent. 
  • Purpose limitation: the specific purposes of personal data treatment must be explicit, legitimate and determined at the time of personal data collection. Data collected with a determined purpose cannot be used for other different from the initial purpose. 
  • Adequacy, relevancy and minimization: only the necessary and adequate data to achieve the intended purpose will be treated. 
  • Accuracy and kept up to date: reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that inaccurate data are corrected or erased. 
  • Storage limitation: personal data will be kept no longer than the necessary for the purpose they are processed. For each group will be established a time for erasure our destruction, according with the law associated with the purpose of the collection. 
  • Integrity and confidentiality: personal data will be stored taking suitable technical actions in order to assure its protection against loss, destruction or accidental damage. Its access will be restricted to authorized personal only. 
  • Privacy by design and by default: before any data treatment, measures shall be taken to assure that privacy is a concern since the beginning and through all treatment process. 

Subjects’ exercise of rights: 

Data subjects have right to: 

  • access to collected and archived data; 
  • data rectification in terms of accuracy and keep up to date; 
  • verify and demand purpose limitation of collection and treatment; 
  • data portability; 
  • request the erasure within the purpose limits of collection and treatment; 
  • object the treatment and automated decision-making, mainly of profiles; 
  • make a complain to the control authority. 

Subject that intends to claim any of these rights must contact us (through the above-mentioned address, telephone or e-mail). The responsible – RSPDM- must verify subject’s identity before providing any information, according with data treatment procedure. Thereafter, he must forward the request for processing. 

VALSTEAM S.A. may share data with public authorities in the implementation of legal obligations without the subject’s knowledge. 

Other websites 

This Website may contain links to other websites. This privacy notice only applies to this website. You should read the privacy policies of other websites. 


The Valsteam ADCA applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of keeping the Personal Data in file and during their transmission. 

The Valsteam ADCA has a computer system with the capacity to withstand, with a given level of confidence, accidental events or malicious or illegal actions that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of the Personal Data preserved or the security of the related services offered or accessible through such networks and systems. 

Amendments to this privacy policy 

Our privacy policies are regularly revised and all amendments will be informed by normal channels and also published in our website. Last version is dated of 22 may 2018. Guia, 22 of May of 2018